
We are larger than our physical forms...these vessels we use as our anchors to this realm...we are in truth our spirits, which powers the vessel from within...yet is not contained by it. Our auras surround and envelope us...they carry the weight...or levity of our emotions...an aura of sadness can be felt...an aura of happiness can infect...

This formless aura...this us that is we...what shapes can you mold it into? The forms are as limitless as your imagination...


I like to imagine myself with wings when I'm down...

You have to stick your chest out when you have wings you know...

You have to let that little light of yours shine through...

Because you have wings...

And they're pretty...

They're long and they're flowy...

And since they're your aura...

No one will mind when you flap them a little...

How bad is a day when you can imagine yourself with wings?

Not so bad...

So while it won't change what has gotten you down...

The moment you can imagine yourself with wings...

Is the moment you know you are coming out of that sadness...

Then flap your wings...

Give emphasis to your flight from sadness' realm...

And fly...

Friday, February 18, 2011

02/17/11 - 02/18/11 - "The Pigtailed Avenger Takes Flight!"

02/16/11 - "Hearts a' Flutter"

02/15/11 - Dandelion Fairy

i'm still trying to figure how to make this one work...
just popped to mind that day and decided to see
 if i could sketch out the idea

was trying to figure out something
different to do with the wings here

here the idea was my more traditional wing layout but
 using dandelion puffs as wings...
still not fond of it...gonna have to work at it more...

Thursday, February 17, 2011

02/14/11 - Valentine's day card for sis

sis mentioned a while back an idea of she and i teaming up,
 her skills with me doing some card designs...
happy valentine's sis...i'll try to start =0)

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Sunday, February 13, 2011

02/12/11 - "First Contact with the Fae Creatures"

02/11/11 - "Butterflies in the Sun"

So...i'm trying to figure out what i'm going to do while simultaneously looking for something to wear & the dress shirt i picked up had a butterfly in it's pocket from the last time i wore it. Figured it was a sign! =0)

In the spirit of "giving" wings to the day i gave this to the first facebook friend that responded to my comment. It went to meu irmao Julian =0)

02/10/11 - "Dragonfly"

so i bought the large bristol board pad thinking to work on my fear of adding color to my work...only to be too afraid to color anything i've done from it..
new bristol board book...smaller...fits in the backpack...
and promise to color everything i put in it...
this is my first...
and happy birthday sienna...
its yours!
(gifted to a wonderful person)

02/09/11 - Firefly first study

never drawed a firefly...gotta familiarize myself with them...
so far i can tell the wings will be the most challenging part...
FUN! =o)

02/08/11 - rough draft for my sister's logo =0)

She's an awesome party & event planner,
her card & invitations are off the charts...in short...
When you think beauty in presentation...think P. Cox! =0)

02/07/11 - "Miss Glitter"

dedicated to another 365er AND contact juggler (even though she'll probably mention some nonsense about not practicing like that changes anything!)
check her blog out, aesthetically pleasing and dedicated to the beauty of the written word =o)

Monday, February 7, 2011

02/05/11 - Introducing Flit!! (Flit goes to Afro Beta!)

Introducing Flit! I'll try to keep a track of his antics over the next year...the operative term here being "try" as he tends to be hard to keep up with!
 "Flit's first frightful flutterful flight"
He's decided to continue walking for the time being...i told him to keep trying...he says he will as soon as he finds a helmet...

friends in Spanish...
made up of two base words:
Con/m - with (n in Spanish, m in Portuguese)
Pan - bread
compaƱero- someone you would break bread with...
i love how with Afro Beta people actually plan to meet early and eat together...
Here's Flit protecting my beer! =o)
poor Flit...no bottles his size...lil trooper never complains though!
i asked him why one day and he said:
"Be comfortable with yourself and understand that somethings you just must learn to adjust to...as the world will not always bend to your needs."
he promptly followed that with "PARTY ON!!! and did the cutest little cannon ball into the sink...
lit's a master at aural wing manipulation!
Here we caught him doing his "feathered toupee" bit to entertain his new friends...he's something of a ham...
"Afro Beta - Fine Arts Edition"
He kept acting like he didn't appreciate being man handled...
but his blushing and giggling lead us to believe otherwise! =0)
He...has...not...stopped...talking...about this...SINCE!
just before bed last night i heard him mumbling "top o' tha world ma!" just before drifting off...

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

01/31/11 - "Gaia Faerie"

This idea came after looking at Michelle's project 365-trees.blogspot.com
I've been batting around the idea of leafy wings but had the thought...why not full on trees?! =oP
Eye <3 Trees!!!
thanks for the inspiration!