We are larger than our physical forms...these vessels we use as our anchors to this realm...we are in truth our spirits, which powers the vessel from within...yet is not contained by it. Our auras surround and envelope us...they carry the weight...or levity of our emotions...an aura of sadness can be felt...an aura of happiness can infect...
This formless aura...this us that is we...what shapes can you mold it into? The forms are as limitless as your imagination...
I like to imagine myself with wings when I'm down...
You have to stick your chest out when you have wings you know...
You have to let that little light of yours shine through...
Because you have wings...
And they're pretty...
They're long and they're flowy...
And since they're your aura...
No one will mind when you flap them a little...
How bad is a day when you can imagine yourself with wings?
Not so bad...
So while it won't change what has gotten you down...
The moment you can imagine yourself with wings...
Is the moment you know you are coming out of that sadness...
Then flap your wings...
Give emphasis to your flight from sadness' realm...
And fly...
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
Tuesday, March 22, 2011
03/21/11 - "Simply Fabulous!"
Some posses a spirit that feels larger than life...
who are able to make us feel that they truly are larger than their mortal coil...
ever notice how even when they try to pull their selves back...
fit themselves into their physical manifestations...
and wrap their wings tightly around themselves so as to be as inconspicuous as possible...
they still manage to shine...
and be...
03/18/11 - new trading cardsss =0)
Sunday, March 20, 2011
03/16/11 - hummingbird funky flower concept
i saw this weird thing out of the corner if my eye and
thought it was a flower...
didn't check to see what it actually was but i
want to put a hummingbird next to
what i saw in my head...
if that makes any sense...
03/15/11 - "Neon Wings"
A friend at VCU asked a few of us to get painted in
black light reactive paint and explore space and movement, we played
capoeira, juggled, hooped, did kung-fu and pure dance. It was a fun experience! =0)
03/13/11 - Madame Yehkti re-revisited
So...the story is that i'm toying with a story...
a friend has offered her talents as a writer and offered to be a villian =0)
this is another fleshing out of her character "Madame Yehkti"
note to self...not dynamic enough...blergh... =0P
03/12/11 - "The Stagg Prince"
After drawing the Butterfly Princess,
the Dragonfly Princess & the Firefly Princess...
I felt it was time to give the dudes some love =0)
03/11/11 - Firefly Princess
Friday, March 11, 2011
03/05/11 - "Flit goes to DC!"
With his new wings there was nooooo way he was staying home!
(little does he know i wouldn't have gone without him!) =0)
(little does he know i wouldn't have gone without him!) =0)
first class of the day done!
Now to get food from one of the best vegan places in DC =0)
Now to get food from one of the best vegan places in DC =0)
"Everlasting Life"
03/04/11 - New trading card
soooo...this is how 99% of my drawings start,
just a basic frame to find the best pose...
which is just fancy speak for "the pose i can actually draw" =0)
03/03/11 - "Silver Butterfly of the Cosmos in the Dark of Night"...or some other title just as melodramatic... =0P
the sharpie experiment -
i've been walking around for months with a silver sharpie marker
but i'd never used a sharpie for drawing and don't remember
ever using a metallic color for artsy stuffs...so...
03/02/11 - Dragonfly Princess snow globe
doodlin out a colabo idea...or...
More of an amalgam or "inspired by" as i haven't used the templates...
i just started thinking of a fairy snow globe & here is how my mind wandered...
First i was looking for an expressive pose for the fairy inside...
She sits on a stump with dragonflies in her belly waiting to be birthed =0)
Wednesday, March 9, 2011
Tuesday, March 8, 2011
03/01/11 - "Winged Pregnancy"
this started as a random line drawing and just...
went where it wanted...
and then the words winged pregnancy popped to mind...
02/28/11 - "Flit's New Wings"
So i get home and Flit's hard at work designing new wings for himself...
i asked him if he wanted my help and he says:
"These are my wings of happiness, and only i can make these...
"These are my wings of happiness, and only i can make these...
once they're done...
i'm sure you'll help me find them when i lose them...as friends do..."
Tuesday, March 1, 2011
02/27/11 - "The Butterfly Princess"
Ella from 01/28/11 invited meeeeeeee to herrrrrrrrrr birthday party at Chuck E. Cheese!
step one...draw and ink
step one...draw and ink
step two: add color...
step three: spray the heck outta it with glitter spray!!!!
first time...went a teensy bit overboard...
first time...went a teensy bit overboard...
if that's possible where glitter and butterflies and fairies are involved!
02/26/11 - Dragonfly trading card
i'm having fun with these =0)
i made myself get accustomed to drawing on at least 11"x14" pads
so these 2.5"x3.5" cards are helping me rethink space a bit =0)
02/25/11 - Fae Play
odd one this is...started with her in the upper left...then the flower popped up and threw me all off...then this little guy decided he wanted to hop over a mushroom...then this other lil lady decided to tip-toe over stones...
too bad none of them decided to do it in a way i could see how to tie them all into one fluid composition...
silly fairies...always doing what they want! =0P
too bad none of them decided to do it in a way i could see how to tie them all into one fluid composition...
silly fairies...always doing what they want! =0P
still may flesh her out some, this was really all about her
and working out this position..i just got distracted...as i tend to do =0P
i'm determined to draw a decent looking male fairy...
no more shorts after this guy =0P
this was my first kinda birdie girl, and to be honest,
i wanted her to be dipping her toe in the water...
the lines just went where they wanted so up popped a stone =0P
02/24/11 - Hummingbird
hummingbirdworld.com/h/nat ive_american.htm
Q. Why do hummingbirds hum?
A. Because they don't know the words!
Q. Why do hummingbirds hum?
A. Because they don't know the words!
02/21/11 - 02/23/11 Ude (Oo-dey), Ode (oh-dey) & Ide (ee-dey) "The Triplets"
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Ude (oo-dey) |
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Ode (oh-dey) |
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Ide (ee-dey) |
Ude (oo-dey), Ode (oh-dey) & Ide (ee-dey)
about a week or so ago the names Ude & Ode popped to mind and for a while i thought that i had heard them from one of the older religions. when you begin to study the culture that capoeira came from you are introduced to candomble which has it's roots in africa and as Ude & Ode "felt" deeply spiritual (but sometimes mischevious) and distinctly afro, i figured i was just recalling a bit of something that i'd read before.
I did a few searches and found nothing under Ude & Ode so they began to grow...here's their story pretty much as it developed in my head...
Ude & Ode are twin brothers, each has their head shaved on one side and locks on the other, they also have one wing each, again, opposite sides. Each tends to lean toward yin & yang (i haven't decided which is which yet but lets say ude-yin & ode-yang for the moment) but also it must be noted that they can fly just as well with one wing each.
Under certain circumstances they join together, melding into one being, depending on which side they meld from they will be either a bald being with Ude's dominant personality and two wings, or a dreadlocked being with Ode's dominant personality.
Enter Ide...
Ide is Ude & Ode's older sister...by 3 seconds...but she never hesitates to remind them that she is their big sister. She also rocks a dreadlock mohawk =o) If Ude & Ode are yin & yang, then Ide is the line that joins the two. Ude & Ode were born without wings, so Ide gave each of them one of her wings and learned to fly without them (another idea is that Ude & Ode will carry her...but i like her flying without them)...i'm also trying to figure out how to tattoo wings under the bandages.
When the three meld it is undoubtly Ide who is in charge, with the mohawk rockin...the only thing is...you're never sure if it'll be yin or yang...she'll always have the same goal...just different methods to reach the same end!
i can't wait to flesh them out more as i'm not very happy with Ude and i really need to work on their wing design...also...i'm thinking tattoos on the bald sides that will be runic in nature
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