
We are larger than our physical forms...these vessels we use as our anchors to this realm...we are in truth our spirits, which powers the vessel from within...yet is not contained by it. Our auras surround and envelope us...they carry the weight...or levity of our emotions...an aura of sadness can be felt...an aura of happiness can infect...

This formless aura...this us that is we...what shapes can you mold it into? The forms are as limitless as your imagination...


I like to imagine myself with wings when I'm down...

You have to stick your chest out when you have wings you know...

You have to let that little light of yours shine through...

Because you have wings...

And they're pretty...

They're long and they're flowy...

And since they're your aura...

No one will mind when you flap them a little...

How bad is a day when you can imagine yourself with wings?

Not so bad...

So while it won't change what has gotten you down...

The moment you can imagine yourself with wings...

Is the moment you know you are coming out of that sadness...

Then flap your wings...

Give emphasis to your flight from sadness' realm...

And fly...

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

06/22/11 - adding color to "You CAN fly!!!"

06/21/11 - coloring the idea from 03/16/11

06/19/11 - "First time for everything!" =0)

Perry let me cut a father's day butterfly in his head before shaving it the rest of the way =0)

06/09/11 - "Let's have a circus theme!"

i was at a friend's house making torches for my feet...(whole 'nother story behind that...)
and we were doing arts n' crafts and then someone says...
"let's have a circus theme"...so...i'd never drawn a clown...riding a butterfly...

06/08/11 - "Imitation is the Highest Form of Flattery..a Butterfly's Oh-mahj" - trading card

05/31/11 - "you CAN fly!!!"

There are times when our friends realize we can fly before we do...this is to the friends that don't hesitate to push us over the ledge when we forget that we have wings, when our faith in the strength of our own wings falter, when we know we can fly but still are coming up with excuses not to jump... to those friends that realize that some of us just need a good shove followed by some encouraging words as our feet leave the edge... "you CAN fly!!!"

05/31/11 - "Sitting This Flight Out" or "The Moment Before a Cocoon is Spun"

There are times when your wings are pretty as can be, and the skies are blue, but there's no one around with whom to share the view... and while flying solo can be fine and dandy... the fact is is that sometimes it's not, and so you sit a flight out...which personally...i feel is healthier than taking flight from time with yourself...it's ok to be mopey if you miss your friends and pout on your couch if you can't see them sometimes...they're your friends...you should miss them...but running out in search of distractions from self are not the best way to deal with mopeyness...sometimes the mopeyness can serve to highlight the awesomeness of those that you miss. sometimes mopeyness blows away without the faintest hint of itself and it serves to highlight its own foolishness. sometimes mopeyness has you stare in the mirror and see the exact reason you are running from yourself...if your mopeyness is ever so kind...return its favor by using your downtime to address these issues...because if you run from them to happier distractions...they'll only be there when you come back. *hugs*

Thursday, April 21, 2011

From 01/11/11 - "The Pigtailed Avenger Takes Flight!!!"

still not quite finished...

From 02/19/11 - "Au com Alas"

04/15/11 Wing News =0)

wing news: i started working on something special, wing related. i won't post it until it's finished but the end result is i won't be able to post something new every day. the happy medium i hope to offer is random postings of other ideas that come out as i'm working on this and when this is done i'll have a diary of the project's progression *hugs n' luv*

04/14/11 - "Wings of Rage" - poem/trading card

Sunday, April 17, 2011

04/13/11 - Paper Cranes for Japan

i was able to swing by and help fold a couple of cranes after miss glitter's patient instruction =0)
"miss glitter" is my nickname for the wondermously glitterful E. Stoddert =0)

04/12/11 - my first solo crane!

the night before the crane folding gathering i attempted 
my own paper crane from watching YouTube...
here is my first crane! =0) adorable, no?

04/11/11 - "A Day of Rest" - trading card

the monday after the trip juju & i rested and went over more capoeira ideas.
this card is a place holder for that day =0)

04/10/11 - "Flit" trading card

a card to celebrate a safe return from NYC =0)

04/09/11 - "Flit's Blessing"

Before leaving for NY and M. Joao Grande's Flit wanted to be sure our vessel was ship shape...
i tried to explain that he should be making sure the car was roadworthy...
but he was content just standing on the car...

04/08/11 - "Aaaaallll the Prity Flowurzzzz"

i was cutting my mom's grass and out of the corner of my eye
 i saw a kind of whitish blur where i thought there should have been green grass.
 i turned to look at the blur and as my eyes shifted focus i saw all of these 
little white wild flowers intermingled with the grass. this image instantly popped to
 mind along with the special way it must be said =0)
anyhoo...mentioning that sometimes it's all just a matter of perspective 
would be beating an old lesson with a stick...luckily...i have a stick handy =0P
shift your focus...
find your flowurz...
hidden...and intermingled with the pattern of your life...

04/07/11 - "Rising Phoenix" - trading card

place holder wing for the day. after work & capoeira i went to have
 dinner at sienna's to fellowship with she and family after her colon cancer surgery
. so a phoenix for that day just makes sense.

Friday, April 15, 2011

04/06/11 - teena's virgin burn

While hanging out i started doodling a logo idea...
i like this position...edge of a cliff...wings spread...
ready to catch the wind and slow your descent until...flap...you fly! 
It embodies that moment just before you decide to make that final leap...
the scariest moment...
when you realize that you'll never know if you can fly...
until you make a leap...

*teena's virgin burn refers to the fact that it was her first time fire hooping that night*

here's the link to my virgin burn =)

04/05/11 - squiggles the dragonfly =)

so...the last few weeks have been hectic (posting 04/14/11)
 and the result is missing wings from some days =0/ 
no idea where they are, so this is my first "place holder"...
a wing to fill in for a wing =0) 

04/04/11 - Maat with her little ones

seeing maat with two of her little ones on 04/03/11 at the park
 had this image flash to mind. it's incomplete...but we hope to finish it =0)

04/03/11 - "Hoop Wings" at Meechi's birthday at Abner Clay Park

we had the biggest game of tag EVAR and let our inner 4 year olds out to play!

04/02/11 - dragonfly trading card

i felt like experimenting with negative space

Monday, April 4, 2011

04/01/11 - "Hearts a' Flutter" complete, the story of a planted seed =0)

on february 4th i received this message from a friend:
I am in the preliminary phases of getting together a gallery/studio for first fridays in maybe March or April to hold a fundraiser for my friend Jarrod and his road to getting a new heart. I am putting out calls for help for artworks...spread the word. With all our talent we could raise millions or maybe a couple hundred. Either way would be great. I'll update anyone who's interested as soon as I get more details!
Hugs and love and a little tap on the butt,
looking back i realize that that little tap must have been what 
made 02/16/11's "hearts a flutter" doodle come about 
so i fleshed it out more (over time) and finally completed it!
i'll donate it to the cause 
(i checked, and even if someone pays me to come take it away it counts as a donation so =P)

Sunday, April 3, 2011

03/31/11 - "Fire Wings"

back in january (i think?) Erica and i were discussing a wearable fire wing pack,
 she sent me a lot of fotos that, after glancing at once i felt were actually too purrty to look at before trying my hand at it myself (didn't want to influence myself) 
this is what came to mind...not sure it's even safe! heehee
her project is about feathers =0)

03/30/11 - "Wings Against the Cocoon"

there are times when i'm not necessarily down, but need to cocoon...
during these (and really anytime i cocoon) i always giggle when i notice my wings 
flapping against the shell that i have created around me because some 
ray of joy from the world outside has broken through, if even for a moment, 
that reminds me of something near and dear to my heart, 
and that there is still a spark of joy there..
.a spark that will catch flame again..
.and burn back the walls of this shell..
.and i will be reborn...
and giggly =0)

03/29/11 - "Psychedelic Dragonflies"

03/29/11 - "Psychedelic Dragonflies"
trading card

03/28/11 - "Psychedelic Ladybug"

03/28/11 - "Psychedelic Ladybug"
trading card

03/27/11 - "Ram Wings"

an idea i was toying with but couldn't pull together =0)

03/26/11 - "Psychedelic Butterfly"

my idea was to keep the trading cards simple, 
but i had gotten away from that...so...
i took a few days to go back to that idea

Friday, April 1, 2011

03/25/11 - "Butterfly Dreams"

i kinda got hooked on "something something something butterflies"
 and reaaaaallllly wanted to finish the colors...
 fell asleep on Gitana, Lau & Sarah's floor by the fireplace while workin' on it...
next mornin' i find out sooomebody snapped a foto of me!
 my first foto falling asleep while working on a wing project...thanks natty!

03/24/11 - "Black Bean Angel...the Dark Angel of Protein!"

Went salsa dancing at Havana 59 with friends 
and made this from their deeeeelish 
black bean soup...with a steak knife...
 and a bit of gas...
you know...
to fluff out the wings a bit... 
there ya go...
trade secret...
all for you... 
*hugs* see? told you i loved you! =0)

03/23/11 - Scarab

Learning to draw scarabs...slowly... =0)

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

03/21/11 - "Simply Fabulous!"

Some posses a spirit that feels larger than life...
who are able to make us feel that they truly are larger than their mortal coil...
ever notice how even when they try to pull their selves back...
fit themselves into their physical manifestations...
and wrap their wings tightly around themselves so as to be as inconspicuous as possible...
they still manage to shine...
and be...


03/19/11 - "Assisted Exodus"

some friends know how to forcibly pull us from our cocoons...

03/18/11 - new trading cardsss =0)

i bought the illistrator's trading cards to try them out.
they're thicker than the regular bristol board cards (still 2.5" x 3.5")
and i also bought a purty new purple marker =0)

03/17/11 - }o{ =0) just something that came to mind...video to follow! =0)

Sunday, March 20, 2011

03/16/11 - hummingbird funky flower concept

i saw this weird thing out of the corner if my eye and 
thought it was a flower...
didn't check to see what it actually was but i 
want to put a hummingbird next to 
what i saw in my head... 
if that makes any sense...

03/15/11 - "Neon Wings"

A friend at VCU asked a few of us to get painted in 
black light reactive paint and explore space and movement, we played
capoeira, juggled, hooped, did kung-fu and pure dance. It was a fun experience! =0)

03/14/11 - "Something something something butterflies"