
We are larger than our physical forms...these vessels we use as our anchors to this realm...we are in truth our spirits, which powers the vessel from within...yet is not contained by it. Our auras surround and envelope us...they carry the weight...or levity of our emotions...an aura of sadness can be felt...an aura of happiness can infect...

This formless aura...this us that is we...what shapes can you mold it into? The forms are as limitless as your imagination...


I like to imagine myself with wings when I'm down...

You have to stick your chest out when you have wings you know...

You have to let that little light of yours shine through...

Because you have wings...

And they're pretty...

They're long and they're flowy...

And since they're your aura...

No one will mind when you flap them a little...

How bad is a day when you can imagine yourself with wings?

Not so bad...

So while it won't change what has gotten you down...

The moment you can imagine yourself with wings...

Is the moment you know you are coming out of that sadness...

Then flap your wings...

Give emphasis to your flight from sadness' realm...

And fly...

Friday, April 1, 2011

03/25/11 - "Butterfly Dreams"

i kinda got hooked on "something something something butterflies"
 and reaaaaallllly wanted to finish the colors...
 fell asleep on Gitana, Lau & Sarah's floor by the fireplace while workin' on it...
next mornin' i find out sooomebody snapped a foto of me!
 my first foto falling asleep while working on a wing project...thanks natty!


  1. What a wonderful way to fall asleep and what sweet friends you have to capture the moment!


  2. I aggree with Misha! and be thankful they didnt do the usual sleeper pranks, like draw on your face or shave an eyebrow :)

  3. i guess they figured there was no need to prank a guy who'd willingly put a flower clip in his hair... =0)
